Saturday, December 28, 2019

Privacy Policy And Protecting Your Private Information...

This privacy policy describes how â€Å"My Pillow Pets† utilizes and safeguards any information that you provide â€Å"My Pillow Pets† when you using this website. â€Å"My Pillow Pets† is committed to protecting your private information from unauthorized disclosure. From time to time we may ask you to provide personal information which can identify you when using this website. In doing so, your private information will only be used in accordance with this privacy statement. â€Å"My Pillow Pets† may change this policy at any time and will update this page accordingly. Please check this page to ensure that you are satisfied with any changes. This policy is effective from 01/01/2016. What we collect We may collect the following information: †¢ Name †¢ Address †¢ Email address †¢ Phone number †¢ Demographic information (preferences and interests) †¢ Other information relevant to customer surveys and/or offers What we do with the information we gather We require this information to understand your needs and provide you with the best service possible. We also require this information for the following reasons: †¢ Internal record keeping. †¢ We may use your information to provide better customer service and to improve our products and services. †¢ We may send you emails regarding promotions and sales on new products, special offers or other information which you may find interesting. †¢ We may use your information to contact you regarding consumer research. †¢ Your information helps us to customizeShow MoreRelatedOrganizational Data Privacy and Security Policy1271 Words   |  6 PagesOrganizational Data Privacy and Security Policy Alyaa Ghanim What are Organizational Data Privacy and Security Policy? It is the policy of the Organization to protect against the unauthorized access, use, corruption, disclosure, and distribution of non-public personal information. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

The Most Active Volcano Of The Philippines - 1179 Words

The Philippines is an area of many islands in various sizes that are grouped together to make the Philippines. It is located on The Ring of Fire which is an area where there are many volcanos and earthquakes. The most active volcano is The Mayon Volcano and is considered highly dangerous but so is another Mount Pintatubo erupted in 1991. The islands are mountainous, narrow coastal plains, and most are covered by rain forests. The Philippines has many rivers and lakes. Some rivers are Abra, Bicol, Chico, and Pampanga. Each island has its own set of important rivers. Laguna de Bay is the biggest lake in the Philippines. Lake Taal is known for being in a huge volcanic crater with an island in the middle that is also a volcano. The Philippines†¦show more content†¦A new study came out rating countries on water stress issues by the year 2040. The Philippines is at a 3 which is considered a high level for water shortage. The country is ranked 57 out of 167 mostly likely water stre ssed country. The area where the water shortage will be an issue is in the agriculture, where the Philippines economy relies on. Certain islands in the Philippines could experience more water shortage than others. Climate change is the reason why the water stress for the Philippines has gone from medium too high. The country climate takes effect from El Nino and La Nina. The past couple of years has been El Nino and the Philippines which has monsoon seasons is feeling the change in climate. If the El Nino continues for much longer with no relief could cause a drought in the Philippines. The loss of natural habitats and converting them into man made habitats is at a rating of about a 3. In 1992, there was about 482,00 ha of forest that remained and the amount has declined 55% since 1992. The rate on slowed down in 1994. ( The two biggest forested areas are the montane forests in Northern Sierra Madres, and Northern Central Cordillera wi th these areas not accessible. The loss of wild foods such as fish and shrimp are becoming scarce is at a rate of 4. Since the Philippines is an island in the oceanShow MoreRelatedCauses Of Natural Disasters833 Words   |  4 PagesAmong many natural disasters in this world, there are three natural things that are responsible for natural disasters. These three are earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanos. We humans call them Natural â€Å"Disasters† because they could destroy all of us or all our homes and important things we need to survive. Without humans, they would only be called natural events because they would not have anything to destroy. 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Besides, there are a lot of live volcanoes, so earthquakes happen frequently in the Philippines. In total, there are 52 volcanoes in the Philippines. The Luzon Mayon, which located in the island of Mindanao, is the largest active volcanoRead MoreThe Most Active Area Of Our Plate Tectonics Essay1575 Words   |  7 PagesWhile tracking all of Earths major earthquakes and volcanos there became trends that developed. These trends allowed me to actually learn from our own Earth. The most active area of our plate tectonics was subduction zones. This type of plate boundary was the reason for the majority of the earthquakes documented over the semester. Most of these earthquakes were shallow, but at times had very deep focal points. 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In most of the research I have done and completed, this supervolcano has a lot of controversy behind it. One of the things I have found is, people around the world , no matter how much evidence proves them wrong, believe this supervolcano is no longer active. I would like toRead Moreanalyse the factors that cause differences in the hazards posed by volcanoes around the world (40 marks)1347 Words   |  6 Pagesthat causes little damage, to a voilent and life threatening explosion. Most of the sixty-plus volcanoes that erupt each year are low risk, however a combination of factors can cause a volcano to be a serious hazard. The factors causing these variations will be explained in this essay. The first factor that must be considered is the viscosity of the magma. This can determine how powerful an eruption is and what shape the volcano eventually becomes. Viscosity can be affected by three main factorsRead MoreGeographic Information System1273 Words   |  6 Pagesvolcanoes. GIS use with volcanoes is broken down into a few categories. They are lava flow determination, land use, and municipal boundaries. Lava flow determination is self-explanatory. Lava flow mapping gives an idea to how the lava will flow once a volcano erupts. Although this is very accurate, it is not able to take in the account the change in geography due to the eruption. Land use mapping is knowing the topography of an area and determining what to do with it. These includes were to build specificRead MoreEssay about The Philippines1399 Words   |  6 Pages nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The Philippines is bordered by the South China Sea and the Pacific Ocean. It has three major island groups which are the Luzon, the largest island and where the capital is located; Visayan, and Mindanao. Eleven islands make up 94 percent of the Philippine landmass, and two of these--Luzon and Mindanao--measure 105,000 and 95,000 square kilometers, respectively. They, together with the cluster of the Visayan Islands that separate them, represent the three principal regionsRead MoreThe Eruption of Mount Pinatubo - Case Study - Geography1999 Words   |  8 Pagesthe Philippines, 90 km northwest of the capital city Manila. It was also, by far, the largest eruption to affect a densely populated area. Mount Pinatubo, a stratovolcano, is part of a chain of volcanoes along the Luzon arc on the west coast (refer map). The arc of volcanoes is due to the subduction of the Manila trench to the west. The mountain has a very huge eruptive history. It was known to be thermally active and had been explored as possible geothermal energy resource by the Philippine National

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Symbolism in Gran Torino free essay sample

Some symbols are obvious and some are easily missed if a person isn’t looking for them. Among the various symbols there are three that deserve extra recognition. They truly help to tell the story and fall perfectly in line with the movie’s underlying themes of life, relationships, and death. The first and most obvious is the Gran Torino, the car itself, representing the theme of life; the second is the refrigerator that Walt is moving out of his basement, less obvious but representative of a real turning point in the relationship between Walt and Thao, enhancing the theme of relationships; the third symbol, tying in with the theme of death, is the way Walt falls to the ground following the final confrontation with the gang. Considering it is the title of the film, one would expect the Gran Torino to play an active role in the movie. This is not the case, but the car still plays a very powerful role. This is not the case, but the car still plays a very powerful role. The vehicle is dually symbolic, being representative of Walt in one manner and of Thao in a very different one. The Gran Torino represents Walt in nearly every way, shape, and form. It is his connection to the past and to better times in his eyes. It is a symbol of a time when life made more sense to Walt. It represents the hard-working, patriotic era in which he was raised and the way he lived his entire life, which was holding true to those same attributes. And in the end, it is a symbol of Walt’s legacy. While the vehicle itself is part of his legacy, as it is passed on to another generation, it also passes on Walt’s beliefs and hardworking spirit. The Gran Torino evolves in its symbolism where Thao is concerned. It starts out representing the dangerous gang lifestyle that he is about to enter into when he is asked to and attempts to steal the car. As the story proceeds and Walt and Thao begin to form a relationship, it becomes a symbol of that relationship. Walt telling Thao that he can use the car to take a girl out on a date shows Thao that he has truly earned Walt’s respect and trust. Finally, at the end of the movie when Walt wills the vehicle to Thao, the Gran Torino comes to represent Walt himself. Thao will likely never be able to drive that car without thinking of Walt and everything the man did for him. The scene involving the refrigerator may be short, but it carries a lot of power in explaining the evolution of the relationship between Walt and Thao. Their initial association was forced and not welcomed by either side. As Walt watched Thao complete all of the neighborhood chores that he assigned, his attitude toward the boy slowly started to soften. Walt offers to sell the fridge to Thao for $25 as opposed to the $60 he was planning to advertise. This is the point where it becomes evident that Walt actually views Thao as a friend. This scene also shows that Walt’s â€Å"man training† is working. The personal transition that Thao is making is evident when he takes a stand and argues with Walt, insisting to lift the heavier top side when he helps Walt move the refrigerator out of the basement. It’s amazing how much a kitchen appliance can contribute to the story. The final symbol lasts no more than a few seconds but carries an immense meaning with it. In the final conflict with the gang, the viewers expect to see a heroic gun battle with Walt eliminating the entire gang. Instead what they observe is Walt managing to draw the fire of all of the gang members with no intent of ever fighting back. After being riddled with bullets, his body falls to the ground and lands with his arms straight out to the sides, much like the image of Jesus being crucified. This view of Walt in a Christ-like position carries the heaviest meaning of the entire film. Walt went to the gang’s house knowing that he would not walk away. He was willing to die to ensure that the gang members would be arrested, therefore unable to interfere with the lives of Thao and Sue, or cause any more violence in the rest of the community. Walt sacrificed his own life so that others would have the opportunity to live on and do so peacefully. Life, relationships, and death. These subjects probably lay the most common groundwork of the entire movie industry, but they are addressed in this film in a way that makes those ideas seem completely original. While one would not be hard-pressed to identify other pieces of symbolism in Gran Torino, the three addressed here are definitely some of the most important. There are many ways to tell a story. The car, the fridge, and the fall add so much depth to the film and offer an abundance of insight into the story and the characters that can’t be conveyed merely with dialogue.